
Login with Trovo and get exclusive benefits!

Track the history of all your purchases
Participate in the rank system and get a discount of up to 5%
How to find Trovo Username
Placing an order
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Didn't find a suitable payment method?
Currently, we only accept payments from Ukrainian banks. However, this is a temporary hiccup and we are already working on adding additional payment gateways to accept international cards.
How to use a promotional code?
The promotional code provides an additional discount on the purchase of elixirs. However, it is important to know that the discount percentage for the promotional code does not add up to your current discount according to your rank. Here's how it works:
  • If the discount percentage from your current rank (for example, from Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc.) is higher than the discount from the promotional code, then only the rank discount will be applied.
  • If the promo code discount percentage is higher than your current rank discount, then only the promo code discount will be applied.
info Thus, using a promotional code can be beneficial if it provides a greater discount than the discount according to your current rank. Otherwise, the best available discount, whether ranking or promotional code, will be applied.