Chat commands on Trovo for the moderator, streamer and viewers

Chat commands on Trovo for the moderator, streamer and viewers

Chat commands for streamer, super moderators and moderators

For the convenience of managing chat and performing various chat actions on the Trovo platform, you can use special commands. To view the list of available commands, start typing the “/” symbol in the chat, select the command you are interested in and send a message. If you want to mention a specific user, enter the "@" symbol and start typing their nickname
Here's a list of chat commands on the Trovo platform that can be used for various management and configuration actions:

  • /clear: Clears the chat history.
  • /mod {USERNAME}: Assigns a user as a moderator. Replace {USERNAME} with the user's nickname.
  • /unmod {USERNAME}: Removes the moderator role from a user. Replace {USERNAME} with the user's nickname.
  • /slow {SECONDS}: Sets a limit on how often users can send messages in chat. Replace {SECONDS} with the desired number of seconds.
  • /slowoff: Disables the slow mode in chat.
  • /followers {DURATION}: Activates chat for followers who have been subscribed to the channel for a specified duration {DURATION}.
  • /followers: Activates chat for followers only.
  • /followersoff: Deactivates the followers-only chat.
  • /host {USERNAME}: Hosts another channel. Replace {USERNAME} with the channel's nickname.
  • /unhost: Stops hosting another channel.
  • /settitle {TITLE}: Changes the broadcast title. Replace {TITLE} with the new title.
  • /setcategory {CATEGORY NAME}: Changes the broadcast category. Replace {CATEGORY NAME} with the new category.
  • /bulletscreenon: Enables the "Bullet Screen" message mode in chat.
  • /bulletdebugoff: Disables the "Bullet Screen" message mode.
  • /setlanguage {LANGUAGE NAME}: Sets the broadcast language. Replace {LANGUAGE NAME} with the desired language.
  • /scheduleon: Displays the broadcast schedule.
  • /scheduleoff: Hides the broadcast schedule.
  • /addrole {ROLENAME} {USERNAME}: Assigns the role {ROLENAME} to user {USERNAME}.
  • /removerole {ROLENAME} {USERNAME}: Removes the role {ROLENAME} from user {USERNAME}.
  • /addvibetag {VIBETAG TITLE}: Adds a mood tag {VIBETAG TITLE}.
  • /removevibetag: Removes the current mood tag.
  • /banned: Displays a list of banned users.
  • /ban {USERNAME} {SECONDS}: Bans a user for {SECONDS} seconds. Replace {USERNAME} with the user's nickname and {SECONDS} with the ban duration.
  • /unban {USERNAME}: Unbans a user. Replace {USERNAME} with the user's nickname.

These commands will help you configure and manage your chat more effectively.

General chat commands

Here are additional chat commands on the Trovo platform that streamers can use to manage their channel and interact:

  • /mods: Shows a list channel moderators.
  • /haton: Activates the display of a frame on the user’s avatar. Available frames can be viewed in the "My Bag" section of the spell window.
  • /hatoff: Hides the frame on the user's avatar.
  • /hostadd: Adds the current channel to the list of hosting channels.
  • /fastclip: Creates a quick clip from the last 90 seconds of the broadcast.

These commands allow streamers to better interact with their audience and manage aspects of their channel.

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